We Are The Reardensteins

Hey party people! Welcome to The Reardenstein Collective.

Our goal as we launch our site is to share our story in a way that portrays our truest selves. This means embracing the beauty, the excitement and the ebbs and flows of living a lifestyle that breaks the mold of the nine to five. Some days we may share travel adventures and how we plan and budget. Some days we may share our favorite brands that we interact with on a daily basis. Other days we may share the struggles of all-nighters and the feeling of one step forward and two steps back - which we all know is part of growth.

The reality is that we want to collect experiences, moments and thoughts on "paper" without the rose-colored lens. We want to share how we break our routine and sometimes how we have to put those pieces back together just for a little sanity. And we want to celebrate each of those moments in a way that feels true to us.

Eventually, we'd like to turn this into an outlet to celebrate other peoples' stories. How we are all alike and unique and beautiful because of how we change and grow.

In the meantime, we look forward to sharing our collection with you!

Much Love,

The Reardensteins

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