Cafe Roze
Restaurant Photography + Styling
When we found out the culinary genius behind Jack’s Wife Freda was opening a restaurant two blocks from our house, we were giddy with anticipation. We were the neighbors that walked by every day to monitor the progress and dream about what they might serve. After what felt like years to us, Cafe Roze opened their doors and we sprinted as fast as we could down the street, in hopes of being one of the first customers. As soon as we tasted the food and met the owner, Julia Jaksic, we were immediately obsessed. During the week it’s easy to find us, we are either working from our home office or at Cafe Roze. Since she opened this beautiful neighborhood spot, Julia has become a dear friend of ours (and so have her french fries). Occasionally we talk about moving to another neighborhood in Nashville, but we always just decide that is a horrible idea, because then we couldn’t walk to Cafe Roze.